Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tom of The Midnight Wrens flies through a seven-year band history

It was in 2017 when the original six members of The Midnight Wrens came together, and since that time, they’ve made some amazing music in the New England area. In this episode, band songwriter/guitarist Tom Powley joins us to talk about how the Wrens came together and their journey over the years.

Tom goes into their new EP, “The Songbird Collection,” a five-track EP that touches on different aspects with each song, and shares some of the stories behind the music. We also look at the band’s upcoming show on July 25 at The Word Barn and the release of a band-inspired IPA with Exeter Brewing Co.

Big thanks go to Sarah Blacker, who made the introductions that led to this interview.

Opening the episode is an excerpt from “Come Home” and closing things out is the full track “Mona Lisa,” both of which you can find on “The Songbird Collection.”

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